3/21/2012 Celebrating Down Syndrome World Day

It is official! Our big family has gone global. Down Syndrome is going to be celebrated around the world. There are activities in different website and bloggers around the world, and we are all united to raise "AWARENESS"  around the world. Parents of kids with Down syndrome celebrate it everyday; but 3/21 is to say to the world is that we are here and we advocate for our loved ones! We love their differences and appreciate that extra chromosome that makes them unique.

March 21 represents  the uniqueness of Down syndrome in the triplication of the 21st (trisomy) chromosome. As a parent of a baby with special needs, I only want for her respect and the opportunity that others deserved. That's why we want to spread the world, to tell others and to teach them that kids and adults with special needs are persons with feelings as well.

Alyssa is a baby now, but she will grow up and I would like her to be included in activities like her peers. I want her to get a job and be respected and appreciated. I celebrate her uniqueness everyday, she is my little girl with beautiful almond shape eyes and a smile that means the world to me.


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